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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
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                Business cooperation Join us Contact Us

                JOIN US

                Company profile

                Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Cell therapy Group Ltd. is a high-tech company, which was approved by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission and is established on the base of Shanghai Research Center for Cell therapy. We aim to provide comprehensive and personalized health diagnosis and treatment service through precision medicine technics, including cell therapy, cell cryopreservation, gene detection, cell related production, health consulting, clinical medical big data and so on, and to create a new industrial system containing R&D, production and treatment. Our goal is to build a top class cell therapy center at home and abroad.


                Five insurance and one payment, paid vacation

                Provide quality accommodation environment for free

                Provide three meals a day for free

                The company set up gymnasiums, courts, cafes and canteens

                Provide free shuttles bus


                Senior research assistant


                • 1.Immunology or biology major, PhD, overseas research experience preferred;
                • 2.At least 1-3 years experience in scientific research, familiar with medicine or immunology;
                • 3.Ability to read and understand English literature and write research papers;
                • 4.Able to design the experiment independently according to the subject direction, familiar with the experiment principle;
                • 5.Good team work ability, good at observing details, strong interest in scientific research, good English reading, writing, listening and speaking ability;
                • 6.Be organized and able to coordinate。


                • 1.PPT presentation and training for customers, agents and internal employees, and problem solving;
                • 2.Take the tour and answer the questions;
                • 3.Blood collection customer service;
                • 4.Follow-up follow-up。

                Senior research assistant


                • 1.Immunology or biology major, PhD, overseas research experience preferred;
                • 2.At least 1-3 years experience in scientific research, familiar with medicine or immunology;
                • 3.Ability to read and understand English literature and write research papers;
                • 4.Able to design the experiment independently according to the subject direction, familiar with the experiment principle;
                • 5.Good team work ability, good at observing details, strong interest in scientific research, good English reading, writing, listening and speaking ability;
                • 6.Be organized and able to coordinate。


                • 1.PPT presentation and training for customers, agents and internal employees, and problem solving;
                • 2.Take the tour and answer the questions;
                • 3.Blood collection customer service;
                • 4.Follow-up follow-up。