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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Health Score Project
                All Frozen Storage Detecting


                It can detect 811 genes at the same time, covering 26 common solid tumors.


                Baize Bi-FISH

                This medical testing can dynamicly and real-timely monitor the development and the therapeutic effect of cancers.

                Baize Bi-FISH

                Guidance on targeted drug use for breast cancer

                Genetic testing and medication guidance multiple genes related to targeted breast cancer drugs were simultaneously tested at one time

                Guidance on targeted drug use for breast cancer

                Guidance on targeted drug use for colorectal cancer

                Genetic testing and medication guidance multiple genes related to targeted colorectal cancer drugs were simultaneously tested at one time

                Guidance on targeted drug use for colorectal cancer

                Guidance on targeted drug use for lung cancer

                Provide drug guidance for 26 lung cancer targeted drugs at the same time

                Guidance on targeted drug use for lung cancer

                Standard edition guidance for targeted drug use in cancer

                Automatic bioinformatics analysis software and database are used to interpret the drug-gene correlation and assist doctors to develop personalized targeted drug regimen

                Standard edition guidance for targeted drug use in cancer

                MSI detection

                Assist the clinician to make treatment plan and prognosis prediction

                MSI detection

                B-RAF/K-RAS/EGFR gene mutation detection

                It is used to screen the dominant population of tumor targeted drugs and provide reference for clinicians

                B-RAF/K-RAS/EGFR  gene mutation detection


                Cover all solid tumors and assist doctors to make personalized medication plan
