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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                Electronic endoscopy
                OLYMPUS Endoscopy has long occupied the first place in the market share. OLYMPUS CV-290 electronic endoscope has the outstanding advantage of excellent visibility

                Electronic endoscopy

                OLYMPUS Endoscopy has long occupied the first place in the market share. OLYMPUS CV-290 electronic endoscope has the outstanding advantage of excellent visibility

                Fluorescence electron endoscope system
                The fluorescent endoscope system is The Shecker PinPoint type.For more than 30 years, Stryker has been leading the development of endoscopy technology with several generations of medical endoscopy products, the world's first three-chip medical camera system, the world's first medical high-definition camera system, and the world's first minimally invasive integrated operating room

                Fluorescence electron endoscope system

                The fluorescent endoscope system is The Shecker PinPoint type.For more than 30 years, Stryker has been leading the development of endoscopy technology with several generations of medical endoscopy products, the world's first three-chip medical camera system, the world's first medical high-definition camera system, and the world's first minimally invasive integrated operating room

                Automatic immune analyzer
                Clinical laboratory test results are the basis of health care work, Roche 30 years focused on the development of testing equipment.The roche E601 automatic immune analyzer equipped by the laboratory department of our hospital has more than 10,000 sets installed in the world

                Automatic immune analyzer

                Clinical laboratory test results are the basis of health care work, Roche 30 years focused on the development of testing equipment.The roche E601 automatic immune analyzer equipped by the laboratory department of our hospital has more than 10,000 sets installed in the world

                Automatic biochemical analyzer
                Hitachi 7180 automatic biochemical analyzer is the next generation model of "7170/7170S". Now more than 3500 sets of "7170/7170s" analyzer have been adopted by inspection institutions all over the world.As a successor to the 7180 model, its performance is even better

                Automatic biochemical analyzer

                Hitachi 7180 automatic biochemical analyzer is the next generation model of "7170/7170S". Now more than 3500 sets of "7170/7170s" analyzer have been adopted by inspection institutions all over the world.As a successor to the 7180 model, its performance is even better