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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                Discovery710 PET-CT
                It is equipped with 128-slice CT, the top scientific research-level equipment identified by the State Health Planning Commission, the maximum detector, the minimum spatial resolution, the shortest scanning time and the minimum radiation dose. Accurate diagnosis of cardiomyocyte activity and lung tumors.

                Discovery710 PET-CT

                It is equipped with 128-slice CT, the top scientific research-level equipment identified by the State Health Planning Commission, the maximum detector, the minimum spatial resolution, the shortest scanning time and the minimum radiation dose. Accurate diagnosis of cardiomyocyte activity and lung tumors.

                Mobile DR machine imported, easy to precise positioning, stable high-quality X-ray output, high-quality image display, make inspection more convenient.


                Mobile DR machine imported, easy to precise positioning, stable high-quality X-ray output, high-quality image display, make inspection more convenient.

                320 Row 640 Layer Panoramic Dynamic Film CT
                320 Row 640 Layer Panoramic Dynamic Film CT

                320 Row 640 Layer Panoramic Dynamic Film CT

                320 Row 640 Layer Panoramic Dynamic Film CT

                3.0T Complete Sequence Silent MR Toshiba Latest Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
                The Canon 3.0t Vantage Titan MRI system features cutting-edge technology such as the highest image resolution of 0.05mm, integrated coils, and one-stop full-body imaging of 205cm

                3.0T Complete Sequence Silent MR Toshiba Latest Magnetic Resonance Imaging System

                The Canon 3.0t Vantage Titan MRI system features cutting-edge technology such as the highest image resolution of 0.05mm, integrated coils, and one-stop full-body imaging of 205cm