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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                Liquid level line monitoring and automatic filling system
                There is a liquid nitrogen level monitoring system in the liquid nitrogen tank. When the liquid level drops to the specified line level, liquid nitrogen will be filled automatically to ensure that the sample is always below the liquid nitrogen level and the freezing storage temperature is always within the freezing storage temperature to ensure the safety of the sample

                Liquid level line monitoring and automatic filling system

                There is a liquid nitrogen level monitoring system in the liquid nitrogen tank. When the liquid level drops to the specified line level, liquid nitrogen will be filled automatically to ensure that the sample is always below the liquid nitrogen level and the freezing storage temperature is always within the freezing storage temperature to ensure the safety of the sample

                Honeywell Oxygen Alarm device
                Honeywell Oxygen Alarms, both fixed and portable, will alarm and automatically start the strong exhaust when the oxygen concentration in the frozen storage area is lower than the set concentration, which can restore the oxygen concentration to normal in a short time

                Honeywell Oxygen Alarm device

                Honeywell Oxygen Alarms, both fixed and portable, will alarm and automatically start the strong exhaust when the oxygen concentration in the frozen storage area is lower than the set concentration, which can restore the oxygen concentration to normal in a short time