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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
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                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                biosafe Sepax 2
                SEPAX cell processing system is a new type of centrifugal cell separation equipment. It is suitable for separating bone marrow, cord blood and peripheral blood. The separation capacity is 30-880 ml, which is especially suitable for the treatment of small volume bone marrow in pediatrics. It is used for rapid automatic treatment of stem cells in an airtight sterile environment. Stem cell components are collected in standardized blood bags for further treatment, such as cell sorting, concentration, washing, cryopreservation, in vitro expansion or transplantation of stem cells to patients.

                biosafe Sepax 2

                SEPAX cell processing system is a new type of centrifugal cell separation equipment. It is suitable for separating bone marrow, cord blood and peripheral blood. The separation capacity is 30-880 ml, which is especially suitable for the treatment of small volume bone marrow in pediatrics. It is used for rapid automatic treatment of stem cells in an airtight sterile environment. Stem cell components are collected in standardized blood bags for further treatment, such as cell sorting, concentration, washing, cryopreservation, in vitro expansion or transplantation of stem cells to patients.

                Hypersensitive multifactor electrochemiluminescence analyzer
                The ultra-sensitive multi-factor electrochemiluminescence analyzer is a high-throughput analyzer based on the principle of electrochemiluminescence. It has the ability to measure multiple indicators in one hole. It can realize multifunctional detection of cytokines, biomarkers, phosphorylated proteins, hormones, antibody subtypes, drug toxicity, immunogenicity and so on.

                Hypersensitive multifactor electrochemiluminescence analyzer

                The ultra-sensitive multi-factor electrochemiluminescence analyzer is a high-throughput analyzer based on the principle of electrochemiluminescence. It has the ability to measure multiple indicators in one hole. It can realize multifunctional detection of cytokines, biomarkers, phosphorylated proteins, hormones, antibody subtypes, drug toxicity, immunogenicity and so on.

                PA800 PLUS
                The PA 800 plus biopharmaceutical analysis system is designed to meet the needs of the development of biopharmaceutical and quality control departments. It integrates many functions, such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, automatic analysis of protein purity and isoelectric point subtype distribution, and sugar analysis. It provides a stable and simple platform for protein identification and characterization for analysts.

                PA800 PLUS

                The PA 800 plus biopharmaceutical analysis system is designed to meet the needs of the development of biopharmaceutical and quality control departments. It integrates many functions, such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, automatic analysis of protein purity and isoelectric point subtype distribution, and sugar analysis. It provides a stable and simple platform for protein identification and characterization for analysts.

                Multi-label microplate tester is a new generation product of Perkin Elmer multi-label microplate tester. It is a high-performance four-monochrome tester. It can detect photometry, fluorescence, luminescence and AlphaScreen well. It can be used in laboratories of all sizes. It can carry out comprehensive data analysis and rapid detection settings. It also has two-channel separator selection and stacker application. Carrier frame with microporous plate without human intervention in 20 and 50 position feeding devices.


                Multi-label microplate tester is a new generation product of Perkin Elmer multi-label microplate tester. It is a high-performance four-monochrome tester. It can detect photometry, fluorescence, luminescence and AlphaScreen well. It can be used in laboratories of all sizes. It can carry out comprehensive data analysis and rapid detection settings. It also has two-channel separator selection and stacker application. Carrier frame with microporous plate without human intervention in 20 and 50 position feeding devices.