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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                Four-dimensional color Doppler Ultrasound is currently the world's newest color ultrasound equipment, known as "magical color Doppler Ultrasound".


                Four-dimensional color Doppler Ultrasound is currently the world's newest color ultrasound equipment, known as "magical color Doppler Ultrasound".

                A new generation of ECO low-dose, high-quality imaging, simple operation breast examination equipment.


                A new generation of ECO low-dose, high-quality imaging, simple operation breast examination equipment.

                9000c DSA
                Clinicians of angiography machine design a unique "anti-collapse" system to ensure the safety of the operation process, the first fine noise reduction, reliable, powerful and efficient.

                9000c DSA

                Clinicians of angiography machine design a unique "anti-collapse" system to ensure the safety of the operation process, the first fine noise reduction, reliable, powerful and efficient.

                4D-NucleofectorTM Unit
                Lonza company introduced an innovative 4-d Nucleofector nuclear transfection system at the end of 2010.The new 4-d Nucleofector nuclear transfection system adopts modular design and conductive polymer technology, providing users with more flexible choice and more advanced transfection performance

                4D-NucleofectorTM Unit

                Lonza company introduced an innovative 4-d Nucleofector nuclear transfection system at the end of 2010.The new 4-d Nucleofector nuclear transfection system adopts modular design and conductive polymer technology, providing users with more flexible choice and more advanced transfection performance

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