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                OA Email Online message
                Research Institute
                CN EN
                Group Introduction Talent team New Drug Application Sophisticated equipment
                All Instruments and Equipment of Mengchao Tumor Hospital Equipment of Baize Medical Laboratory Instrument and Equipment of Cell Production Center
                BACT/ALERT? is a simple, fully automated microbial detection system for bacterial, yeast and mold contamination in a variety of food and beverage matrices.Ease of use, objective results, high reproducibility and traceability are all important features of the modular design of BACT/ALERT?


                BACT/ALERT? is a simple, fully automated microbial detection system for bacterial, yeast and mold contamination in a variety of food and beverage matrices.Ease of use, objective results, high reproducibility and traceability are all important features of the modular design of BACT/ALERT?

                vSpot Spectrum
                VSpot Spectrum is the most advanced fluorescent image analysis equipment.It can not only realize 96-well fluoroenzyme linked spot analysis, but also perform other specifications of in-board analysis, such as virus plaque analysis

                vSpot Spectrum

                VSpot Spectrum is the most advanced fluorescent image analysis equipment.It can not only realize 96-well fluoroenzyme linked spot analysis, but also perform other specifications of in-board analysis, such as virus plaque analysis

                Liquid nitrogen tower
                Air Products Of America, 3 cubic tanks;The tank truck is designed with integrated control system, which can quickly fill and supply gas to the liquid nitrogen tower on site.The final supply form may be pure gas, cryogenic liquid, or gas-liquid mixture through the on-site gas mixer.Additional insulation helps to increase insulation time and minimize product loss

                Liquid nitrogen tower

                Air Products Of America, 3 cubic tanks;The tank truck is designed with integrated control system, which can quickly fill and supply gas to the liquid nitrogen tower on site.The final supply form may be pure gas, cryogenic liquid, or gas-liquid mixture through the on-site gas mixer.Additional insulation helps to increase insulation time and minimize product loss

                Vital Beam
                Vital Beam system is a full functional medical linear accelerator based on varian intelligent accelerator platform. With its outstanding treatment accuracy, it has become the first choice of radiotherapy equipment in many world famous large cancer treatment centers.High quality imaging capabilities enable it to treat complex tumor cases, such as bone marrow (stem cell) transplantation, with whole-bone marrow irradiation as an alternative to drug therapy prior to surgery, with a significant reduction in patient side effects and recurrence rates of less than 30 percent over 10 years

                Vital Beam

                Vital Beam system is a full functional medical linear accelerator based on varian intelligent accelerator platform. With its outstanding treatment accuracy, it has become the first choice of radiotherapy equipment in many world famous large cancer treatment centers.High quality imaging capabilities enable it to treat complex tumor cases, such as bone marrow (stem cell) transplantation, with whole-bone marrow irradiation as an alternative to drug therapy prior to surgery, with a significant reduction in patient side effects and recurrence rates of less than 30 percent over 10 years

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